The telemarketing Industry is a multibillion-dollar industry that run as outbound or inbound telemarketing call centers. Most telemarketing businesses call or receive calls from customers and attempt to have customers make payments. Telemarketing businesses are now finding it more lucrative and successful by having a merchant account which provides virtual terminals.
What is a Merchant account?
A Merchant account is a bank account that is required if you want to accept credit card payments from your customers. This is a temporary bank account that will hold all the payments from your customers before they can be deposited into your own personal bank account.
Merchant accounts are issued either by a bank or merchant service provider. With banks, they use their own underwriters who will check to see if your business is eligible for a merchant account because some businesses may be considered high risk. Banks sometimes view telemarketing companies as high-risk which can make it difficult to find a processor to approve a merchant account.
Telemarketing Merchant Account
With this type of merchant account your business will be able to accept payments from your customers over the phone or online and it is applicable for inbound as well as outbound calling.
In addition to a merchant account for your telemarketing business, you will also need:
- A payment gateway
- A virtual terminal
A payment gateway acts like an intermediary between your ecommerce website or online account and your merchant account. This is the portal through which all customer information and credit card details are transmitted to the merchant account in a secure manner.
A Virtual terminal is an online website that allows you to enter customer credit card information into the payment gateway easily.
Moto merchant account
As part of your telemarketing business, you will be required to accept payments from your customer over the phone. A MOTO account or a Mail Order Telephone Order account lets you enter your customer’s credit card information manually. The information is entered into a payment gateway via a virtual terminal.
How Can We Help?
You no longer have to waste your time trying to apply for merchant accounts only to be denied or rejected by a bank. Our merchant services provide you with solutions for your telemarketing business and have experience with high risk-businesses
Here are the features of our merchant services
- Quick and free online application
- Fast approval
- PCI DSS compliant payment gateway and virtual terminals to protect your data and customer’s data from fraudulent activities
- Unlimited processing volumes
- Accept all major currencies and accept payments from over 150 countries
- No hidden costs
- 24/7 customer support for merchants
Start the process and contact our friendly customer care agents and we will start the process to have your payment processors running in no time.